Digital Fabrication at Fablab Waag
Internship | Amsterdam, The Netherlands
January 2023 - June 2023
Holding open days
Giving workshops
Maintanance and documentation of machinery
The Social Media Bodies Workshop
Cinekid Festival | Amsterdam, The Netherlands
October 2022
Leading VR installation in collaboration with artists
Introducing VR realms to children
Study Programme Committee
KABK student and teacher body | Den Haag, The Netherlands
October 2022 -
Leading VR installation in collaboration with artists
Introducing VR realms to children
Open Digital Libraries
KB - KABK | Amsterdam, The Netherlands
January 2023 - June 2022
Interactive installation as part of exhibition at KB
Reviving Alba Amicorum and making it relevant to students of today
Hostess and UX Research
Rijksmuseum | Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2019 - 2020
Collecting data from guests on events and exhibitions
Worked in large team at gardarobe