Ella Suzanne

Documentation site as intern at Fablab in Waag, Amsterdam


How I set up this static site documentation


If you are someone who has never worked with the Terminal and are working on a Macbook, then this documentation is for you.

Useful Terminology

Useful Resources/References

1. Working with the Terminal on MacOs

$ whoami

The $ is an indication you should send in a shell command.


(Below is a screenshot of what my terminal looked during this process)

2. Configuring Shell

3. Path Setting

4. Xcode Command Line Tools

5. Installing Homebrew

6. Configure Git

Git is a free and open-source distributed version of a control system designed to handle big and small projects


This makes it easier to switch between Ruby versions (in case you update etc)

brew install asdf

8. View Existing Configuration File

9. View Existing Ruby on your laptop

MacOs comes with a ‘system Ruby’ but it is recommended to not use it and instead install a different one.

10. Installing Ruby with asdf

11. Install Ruby Gems

12. Install GCC

13. Install Jekyll and Bundler

If an error appears that you don’t have the latest Ruby or Rubygems, but this doesn’t allign with what you installed, your system might be chosing the wrong version of Ruby on your laptop. What worked for me was to re-install chruby

14. Setting up Github pages

As an intern, I am using Github. If you are a student of Fabacademy, you will be using Gitlab; our own Git run on our servers instead of those from Microsoft.

zshell setup

Starting up Local Host

When you are working on your static site in Visual Studio Code for example and pushing it through Github Desktop and then Git, you want a solid workflow. Using a Local Host will allow you to see the effect of changing your code within the browser, without publishing it onto youe domain right away. You then do not have to push through everytime you make adjustments, and keep better track of your overall development.

cd documents


cd repository destination waag docu

Now if your folder name is very long like mine (which isnt recommended) you will recieve the following response:

cd: too many arguments

try to put the name into speech marks:

cd 'repository destination waag docu'
cd ellasuza.github.io
jekyll s
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