Ella Suzanne

Documentation site as intern at Fablab in Waag, Amsterdam


Learning how to work with Fusion 360


My background lies in Blender, Unity and Adobe softwares. I have never worked with Fusion 360, and plan to use it for parametric designs for our Fablab machinery. On this page I will be keeping track of my initial learning of this software application.


E = extruding

C = circle sketch

Making a toy block

Following this tutorial

When making a new part of your model, create a new component in the middle of the tool bar. This will help keep everything organized. The type will always be standard, unless working with sheet metal.

Always start sketching at origin, this will help with constraints and dimensions

2Dsketch (screenshot of 2D sketch)

All development is recorded at the bottom of the environment. This allows you to go back and make changes, as well as delete features. Fusion 360 is cloud-based, meaning files are stored within Autodesk servers and not your local computer. Therefore it is important to save throughout your workflow.

CircleDimensions (image of circle dimensions)

CylinderOnTube (image of cylinder on cube)

Rectangular Pattern Feature There is both one for sketches and models, recommended to avoid the sketch tool. Keeping your sketches simple, will make it easier to make a fully parametric model.

PatternFeature (image of pattern feature bar)

PatternFeatureSelection (object shine when selecting feature in parametric timeline)

PatternFeatureDone (Pattern Feature Done)

HollowBottom (image hollow bottom)

Cylinder (image of center point to center point cylinders)

- find the center point (when the blue triangle appears) and draw your new circle. Make sure CONSTRUCTION is now turned off.

CenterpointLine (center point of diagonal line)

NewCircleBottom (image of new circle at bottom)

3ExtrudedCylinders (image 3 extruded cylinders)

This where there the tutorial ends. I feel I have some understanding of the workflow now, and will continue developing in project-based pages.