Ella Suzanne

Documentation site as intern at Fablab in Waag, Amsterdam



Making an acrylic box for circuit boards

After I learned how to work with user parametrics, I followed the steps below to design this box in Fusion 360.

I followed this tutorial

Step 1: Establishing the user parameters

My variables:

My parameters:

1 image of user parameters set up

Step 2: Creating the base

1 (image of dimensions rectangle 1 defined)

Step 3 : Finger joints on base

3 (image of 3 rectangles on top edge base)

4 (image of construction lines at midpoints)

5 (image of EQUAL button in toolbar)

6 (image of applying acrylic thickness parameter to depth of rectangles)


(image of applied sketch dimension to bottom edge of one of the joint rectangles)

Step 4: Mirroring finger joints to bottom edge of base

8 (image of edges selected for mirroring)

9 (image of mirroring option with origin plane selected as mirroring line)

Step 5: Repeating step 3 for the right edge of the base rectangle

When finishing all the finger joint sketches on the base, I realized that this would eat from the space within the box (3mm at each side), so I might have to make the width and the depth of the box itself slightly larger. 3+3=6mm should then be added on both parameters

10 (image of adapted parameters)

Step 6: Extrude base

11 (image of extruded base)

Step 7: Making Side 1


(image of browser view with top component active)


(image of joint face selected)

It will orient the view like this:

14 (image of YZ view)

15 (image of selection faces YZ view for projection)

Since the projection made the fingers joints on the bottom horizontal edge, we can continue by making the finger joints on the vertical edges. For my design, the height is about the length of the width, so I will make 3 rectangles again. See if this applies for you as well, if not you can also do 2 instead.

Your vertical axis will look something like this:


(image of vertical axis diameters)

Step 8: Making Side 2

I noticed that parts of my side 1 hadn’t extruded 2.7mm alongside with the rest of the component, so I went back to when I did this in the timeline on the bottom left of my viewport and right clicked on it. This allowed me to adjust the features, such as include those I hadn’t included before.

Step 9: Making Side 3

17 (image of positioning new sketch for side 3)

18 (image of projection onto sketch 3)

19 (image of selection COMBINE bodies)

Step 10: Making Side 4

Like we did before, we will mirror this new component to make a new side.

We now have 5 sides, including the bottom base. In order to check if all of the finger joints are correctly interlocked, there is a tool to view this well in the INSPECT dropdown menu called DISPLAY COMPONENT COLORS.

20 (image of box in component colors)

Step 11: Making a lid

For this box, I want to be able to close it and keep the components stored safely. I had been thinking on how to make a simple lid that works on a small box and is sturdy. After talking to Maria and Michelle, I decided on a slide in lid.

(image of sketch of lid design)

Because my design within Fusion 360 is set up with parametrics and a lot of mirroring/equalized dimensions, I tried making one of the sides shorter but this influenced all the other sides as well. I am now thinking of making visible lines of where I want to cut off some of the height of one of the sides, and engrave on 3 others, and then assign these tasks within Lightburn so I don’t have to interrupt the setup I have in Fusion360.

30 (image of the lid done)


I will cut 3mm (thickness of material) off of Side A so that there is space for the lid to slide in.

23 (image of 3mm distance drawn line)


(image of cutting line sketch on Side A)

25 (image of rectangle component on Side A)


In order for the lid to firmly sit against three other sides, I am going to engrave a line on these 3 sides to create a slight pocket. I am not sure exactly how much this will eat from the material depth wise (dependant on speed/power) so I will estimate how much wider the lid should be, but might have to adjust the design and cut it again.

27 28

Power: 40 Speed: 200

Exporting for Lightburn



(image of toolbar JOINT command selection and new window)


(image of orientation joint selector on face)


(image of first side nested)


(image of engraving line nested on component side)



36 (image of projected sketch of all components)


Your box design is now ready to be cut! To learn about our lasercutter and how to use a design like this, see this page


(image of outcome box cut)

There are a couple of adjustments I need to make to my design

  1. Although I used what I learned from my PressFit, the finger joints aren’t snug enough. I believe I didn’t apply the Kerf correction sufficiently to my design.

  2. The lid can be slightly wider to fit deeper into the engraved lines on the sides.

Offset finger joints

After looking at the outcome of the box and talking with some people, I realized which diameters need to apply Kerf correction to. I did the following:

  1. I had previously changed my material thickness parameter to the value I got from my PressFit comb, but this only affected a couple of values and also applied it to both the fingers and the pockets of the joints. I reversed this, and instead added a new parameter of 0.3mm.

(image of new offset parameter)

  1. I started working on the sketch of the base of my box, by editing the feature in my timeline. I soon realized that when extruding this would have implications on all the sides seeing I worked with projecting and mirroring features. Instead, I kept it the same and went to the last sketch I made, which projected all my components when nested together. This way, I was in more control over which sketches I was making changes to.

38 (image of parameter applied to offset for socket)

39 (image of finger and socket offsets applied)

40 (image of extra line for closed shape)



useful for lasercutter at KABK, through Illustrator


plug in for automated Kurf correction:




nesting add-on for Fusion360 personal use:


Lay parts flat with Arrange feature:


Mapboards add in (14USD):


Joint Feauture as way of nesting :
